How To Remove Knots Out of a Dog's Fur
Dec 16th 2017
Brushing is an integral part of a dog's grooming routine. It will remove loose fur, dirt and debris, while leaving your canine companion looking their best. However, the most important benefit of brushing is its ability to remove knots and tangles.
Before I go into how to remove knots out of your dog's hair, let me first stress the importance of regular brushing. Some breeds such as Golden Retrievers, Great Pyrenees and Labrador Retrievers simply have more hair and as such, they require more frequent brushing. If you own one of these breeds, you should be brushing their hair daily. I know this is probably difficult for a lot of owners, but taking the time to brush their hair each and every day will prevent more serious knots from developing. You can probably get away with weekly brushing if your dog has less hair, though.
Some owners simply use regular soft-bristle brushes on their dogs, but I recommend that you invest in an actual dog brush. These are typically softer and feature a larger brushing head to cover more hair. You can pick them up from most major pet stores for about $5 to $10 bucks. In addition, you should also pick up a metal comb. Dog brushes are great for regular grooming, but you'll need something a bit more durable to remove and tangled knots in your dog's hair.
To remove knots in your dog's hair, start by having them lay down in an area where they're comfortable, because you don't want your dog to become agitated or nervous during the process. Now, you should gently run a brush over their coat while looking for knots. Don't try to brush out the knots, as it will only cause pain and discomfort for your dog. Instead, hold the knot close to their body and slowly pick it at with a metal comb. It may take some time, but continue to pick it at until it unravels. Remember to hold the knot tightly so it doesn't pull their skin when you pick it.
Here are some general tips to follow when brushing your dog:
- Make slow, gentle strokes to avoid causing your dog pain or discomfort.
- Slicker brushes (wide, flat head with short bristles) are great for removing tangles.
- When you locate a knot, hold it with one hand and "tease" it out with the other.
- Reward your dog with a treat when you are finished brushing.
As with any grooming routine you perform on your dog, you should give them a treat afterwords. I'm sure it's not an enjoyable experience to have someone pick at your hair, so it's a good idea to reward your canine for their behavior.